The Bulgarian national programme “European scientific networks” finances projects coordinated by Bulgarian scientific organizations participating in the measure “Twinning”, submitted and highly evaluated within the framework of the “Horizon 2020”.
The NP is based on the principle of funding projects that have built successful partnerships and have agreements with European universities and research organizations.
The partnership agreement between the participants is a guarantee for mentoring by scientific organizations, having the necessary higher scientific and administrative capacity in relation to the Bulgarian partners and building trust and mutual training of the teams involved in the projects.
Bulgarian national funding for the implementation of projects is expected to have the following impact:
Networking and partnership with leading foreign universities and research organizations
Improving the capacity in the given research area in terms of preparation of educational, doctoral and postdoctoral programs, as well as project management
Preparation of projects and participation in the next FP “Horizon Europe” (2021-2027) on the base of successful partnership
Improved reputation, attractiveness and networking