Presentation of  Project “GreenAnimo” in 74th International Congress On Animal Science


organized by European Federation of  Animal Science (EAAP), the World Association for Animal production (WAAP) and Interbull.

26.08.-01.09.2023 Lyon, France.


Scientists from TRAKIA UNIVERSITY, Stara Zagora participated in 74th International Congress On Animal Science „CLIMATE CHANGE, BIODIVERSITY AND CLOBAL SUSTAINABILITY OF ANIMAL PRODUCTION“ EAAP 2023, which was held on 26.08.-01.09.2023 in Lyon, France.

Project „GreenАnimo“ had its own session –  06. „Production of high quality animal products and implementation of new technologies in animal husbandry“, where young and established scientists from the Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine presented their research in the field of meat breeding.

Session “GreenAnimo“ was led by Prof. Svetlana Georgieva (AF, TrU) and Jean-Francois Hocket (Senior Researcher at INRAE and President of the French Animal Husbandry Association). Prof. Svetlana Georgieva (AF, TRU), project coordinator opened the session with a report presenting the results of the “Greenanimo” project implemented in partnership with INRAE, France and SRUC, Scotland.

A total of 14 reports by scientists, participants in the 4 scientific topicss of the project, were presented and discussed in the session “GreenAnimo“  – Meat Quality, Animal Welfare, Feed Efficiency and  Farming Systems in ruminant meat production.

Scientists from: the Institut de l’Elevage, France; INRAE, France; University of Padua, Italy; Institute of Animal Breeding Sciences – Kostinbrod; Agrarian University of Athens; Animal Sciences, Athens, Greece; Seoul National University, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology; College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Republic of Korea, South Korea; China Agricultural University, State Key Laboratory of Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science and Technology, Beijing, China; West Texas A&M University, Canyon, USA; Mootral GmbH, Germany, UK, Texas Tech University, USA; University of Chlef, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Algeria, etc. also took part in the “GreenAnimo” session.

At the end of the session, the Project Coordinator Prof. Svetlana Georgieva presented an award for the best presentation to a young scientist. The award was given to Ch. Assistant Dr. Ivelina Nedeva.



Scientists from project “Greenanimo” are going to take part in the prestigious International Congress On Animal Science – EAAP 2023, which will be held on 26.08.-01.09.2023 in Lyon, France. Project “Greenanimo” has a its own EAAP study commission session – 06. Production of high quality animal products and implementation of new technologies in animal husbandry, with chair – prof. Svetlana Georgieva (AF, TRU) and co-chair Jean-François Hocquette (Senior scientist of INRAE and President of the French Association for Animal Production). In the session are going to be presented 14 reports and 11 posters. Scientists from project “Greenanimo” are going to present the results from the project achieved through the joint partnership with leading scientists from INRAE, France and SRUC, Scotland.

For more information: ,


Session 06. Production of high quality animal products and implementation of new technologies in animal husbandry Date: Monday 28 August 2023; 8.30 – 13.00 Chair: Georgieva / Hocquette

Theatre Session 06
’Greenanimo’ – green future through research
S.Y. Georgieva

PLS-DA analysis on hand-held spectrometer for on-line prediction of beef marbling in slaughterhouses
M. Kombolo, A. Goi, M. Santinello, N. Rampado, S. Atanassova, J. Liu, P. Faure, L. Thoumy, A. Neveu,D. Andueza, M. De Marchi and J.-F. Hocquette

Application of computed tomography and hyperspectral images for enhanced meat quality evaluation
T. Stoyanchev, I. Penchev, S. Georgieva, A. Daskalova and S. Atanassova

Effect of husbandry factors on marbling deposition
A. Nicolazo De Barmon, I. Legrand, J. Normand and J.J. Bertron

Effect of birth type on meat quality in Ile-de-France lambs
E. Achkakanova, I. Penchev and S. Georgieva

Relationships between lamb feed efficiency, rumen volume and carcass quality measured by CT scanning
N.R. Lambe, A. McLaren, K.A. McLean, J. Gordon and J. Conington

Do biomarkers of residual feed intake in beef cattle remain consistent regardless of feeding level?
G. Cantalapiedra-Hijar, K. Nedelkov, P. Crosson and M. McGee

Practical application of Observer XT software for behaviour and welfare research in sheep and cattle 
N.A. Bozakova and M. Halil

Software tools and technologies used to study animal behaviour-benefits and capabilities of Observer
M. Halil, N. Bozakova and S. Georgieva

Animal welfare: from research to practice
I. Veissier, V. Brunet, D. Ledoux and A. De Boyer Des Roche

Effects of warm climatic periods on dairy cow behaviour and welfare in a maritime European climate
M.J. Haskell, I. Sullivan, M. March and L. Shewbridge-Carter

Behavioural and hormonal effects of intensive sheep farming on milking behaviour in a milking parlour
I. Nedeva, T. Slavov, V. Radev, S. Georgieva and I. Varlyakov

Combining cattle and sheep in a grassland-based system: which effects for system multiperformance?
S. Prache, K. Vazeille, B. Sepchat, P. Note, P. Veysset and M. Benoit

Milking temperament and it relation with test day milk yield in Bulgarian Murrah buffaloes
T. Stepancheva, I. Marinov and Z. Gergovska

Poster Session 06

Introduction of lupins in lamb diets: effects on carcass, meat quality and intramuscular fatty acids
M. Almeida, S. Garcia-Santos, D. Carloto, A. Arantes, J. Lorenzo, J.A. Silva, V. Santos, J. Azevedo, C.Guedes, L. Ferreira and S. Silva

Lipid composition of dromedary camels (Camelus dromedarius) raised in extensive and intensive system
M. Lamraoui, J. Pestana, M. Costa, C. Alfaia, Y. Khelef, N. Sahraoui, A.M. Almeida and J.A.M. Prates

Effective application of UAVS in modern livestock agriculture
T. Petrova, Z. Petrov and M. Marinov

Effects of dietary beet pulp on rumen fermentation, beef quality, and intramuscular adiposity
M. Baik, S.H. Lee and S.Y. Kim

The identification of high-quality Perilla frutescens Tan lamb meat by multi-metabolomics analyses
Y. Yu, B.Y. Zhang, X.Z. Jiang, Y.M. Cui, H.L. Luo and B. Wang

Effect of feeding garlic-citrus supplement on carcass characteristics and fatty acid profile of beef
M.E. Eckhardt, T. Brand, S.A. Salami, B.M. Tas, J.F. Legako, T.E. Lawrence and L.W. Lucherk

Main microclimatic indicators in a milking parlor for dairy cows
D. Dimov, T. Penev, I. Marinov, J. Mitev, T. Miteva and M. Stoynov

Estimation of rib composition and intramuscular fat from DXA or smartphone imaging in crossbred bull
C. Xavier, B. Meunier, I. Morel, Q. Delahaye, Y. Le Cozler, M. Bonnet and S. Lerch

Perception of beef by the Algerian consumer
M. Sadoud and J.F. Hocquette

Effect of intramammary infection on milk protein profile measured at the quarter level in dairy cows
V. Bisutti, D. Giannuzzi, A. Vanzin, A. Toscano, M. Gianesella, S. Pegolo and A. Cecchinato

Antioxidant and anti-hypertensive properties of acid whey from Greek yoghurt
E. Dalaka, A. Vaggeli, G.C. Stefos, I. Palamidi, A. Savvidou, I. Politis and G. Theodorou

Workshop for project Greenanimo

An International Specialization under the “GREENANIMO” project was held at the Practice Base of SRUC – Easter Bush Campus, Edinburgh area, Great Britain.


Scientists from Trakia University – Assoc. Prof.Nadya Bozakova, Assist. Prof. Mehmed Halil and Assist. Prof. Ivelina Nedeva, during the period 3-16.07.2022, carried out a specialization on the topic “Practical assessment of the well-being of sheep and work with OBSERVER – XT” in the practical base of SRUC – Easter Bush Campus, Edinburgh District, UK.

The specialization was planned and financed under the GREENANIMO Project and organized by Prof. Marie Haskell from SRUC and Prof. Svetlana Georgieva from Trakia University. It is part of Work package 2 Transfer of knowledge and network building for interdisciplinary and problem-driven research.

Possible visits of the SRUC partners to Trakia University – Stara Zagora, Bulgaria for future joint scientific developments and participation in international scientific projects were discussed.

Assoc. Prof. Nadya Bozakova,  Assist. Prof. Mehmed Halil and Assist. Prof.  Ivelina Nedeva acquired theoretical and practical knowledge of the main functions of Observer XT software. Тhey formed many friendships with professors and PhD students from SRUC. They disseminated the main ideas and goals of the GREENANIMO project, and brought many videos with behavior of sheep and cattle to use for the education of students in Trakia University. The scientists gained knowledge and skills to work with Observer XT and information on various methods, devices and techniques to assess sheep welfare.

Contacts were made for future collaborative research projects with SRUC colleagues. New ideas for animal behavior and welfare research were discussed after they visited the research centers.

Assoc. Prof.  Nadia Bozakova expresses her gratitude to Prof. Marie Haskall from SRUC, who personally organized and assisted in the realization of this specialization, as well as to her assistants: PHD Lucy Oldham  and Michelle Reeves from SRUC!

Project “Greenanimo” at BATA AGRO 2022


BATA AGRO is a specialized exhibition for agriculture and is the largest forum in Bulgaria for the presentation of everything about agriculture. It has been organized since 2010 and more than 180 companies take part.

At the BATA AGRO – 2022 exhibition, the “GREENANIMO” project was presented at the stand of the Faculty of Agriculture at Trakia University – Stara Zagora. During the exhibition, the visitors had the opportunity to learn about the main goals of the project, the opportunity to participate in the innovative trainings of the project or to make contact with other participants in the project. Farmers and private individuals raising large and/or small ruminant animals showed interest.

Work meeting on 26/05/2022 with Jean-François Hocquette, INRAE, FRANCE



On 26.05. 2022 was held a project work meeting between scientists from Trakia University and Prof. Jean-François Hocquette, INRAE.


Discussion on mobilities in France

Discussion of training courses for students and farmers related to meat quality.

Discussion on conducting a survey on artificial meat

Discussion of programme work

Prof. Stoyanchev and Jean-François Hocquette discussed the possibility of combining the visit to INRAE ​​with the visit to the annual animal exhibition in Clermont-Ferrand in the first week of November 2022. Jean-François Hocquette proposed to send a PhD student from INRAE ​​at the end of October or the beginning of November to demonstrate in a slaughterhouse the methods of carcass classification during the training courses for students and farmers. He suggested conducting a survey on the perception of artificial meat in Bulgaria. Also proposed to organize a session on Greenanimo as part of the 74th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) in Lyon from 26.08 to 1.09.2023 to present the joint results of the project.

Scientific conference with international participation “Agricultural sciences and business”


Today, May 26, Faculty of Agriculture at Trakia University, Stara Zagora is holding its scientific conference. The scientific forum discusses the problems of agrarian science, ecology and business…” . The conference was opened with a plenary report by Prof. Jean-François Hocquette, INRAE.

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of the Organizing committee, I am pleased to invite you to participate in Scientific conference with international participation “Agricultural sciences and business”, which will be held on 26-27 May 2022 in Spa Hotel Calista, Star
оzagorski mineralni bani.



AGRA 2022 International Agricultural Exhibition


09-13 March 2022
International Fair Plovdiv

The International Agricultural Exhibition AGRA covers all areas and sectors of agriculture: research, practice, technology, equipment, products, and services. It presents the best achievements of science and business and the most useful for farmers and professionals. The exhibition has established itself as a portal for innovations in agriculture in Southeast Europe and a forum for successful business projects.

The 30th edition of AGRA is again organized under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestr.

The “Greenanimo” project was presented through a banner, and information brouchures for the whole project, and the individual research areas.

“Uniform standards for the quality of meat from carcases to the consumer”


Round table – 07.10.2021

Objective: To create an uniform standards for traceability and quality of carcasses grading systems of beef cattle and sheep in Bulgaria

Discussion: “Integrated approach to improve the quality of meat from Bulgarian beef cattle and sheep”, presented by Prof. Svetlana Georgieva and Prof. Todor Stoyanchev (from Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria).